Tuesday July 16, 2013 at 2:32pm
For those of you who weren't aware SOLIDWORKS 2013 made it much easier to select the view you require either via the shortcut of hitting the space bar on the keyboard or from the menu icons. I picked up a tip today that i think makes it more user friendly particularly for experienced users.

During training i was asked about the delay as SOLIDWORKS zooms out when pressing the spacebar. So I started looking through the options as I can see how this delay could be frustrating when working quickly. The good news is you can turn off the delay completely.
1. Navigate to Tools -> Options -> System Options -> View
2. Slide the bar next to "View Selector " to "Off" as in the image below
Alan Sweetenham
Applications Engineer.
The View Selector may not be enabled by default but to check hit the spacebar on the keyboard. If its enabled you will notice it zooms out then the cube will appear. If not click the box in the top right corner of the pop up to enable it.