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Get Up to 40% off SolidWorks Software, Hardware and Training

Tuesday December 11, 2018 at 11:45am

Is your business located in the SELEP area?

SELEP stands for the South East Local Enterprise Partnership. A partnership between local authorities, government and investment groups to contribute to, nurture and build the economic growth of the region encompassing Kent, Medway, Essex, Thurrock, East Sussex and Southend-on-Sea.

If your company is located in this area you can apply for funding for up to 40% off SOLIDWORKS software, hardware and training. It is straight forward to apply and funding can be pre-approved within a week.

Aimed at companies with less than 250 employees, the Low Carbon Across the South East (LoCASE) programme is operational until Spring 2019.

What are the criteria?

If you are a small business based in the selected region, then you are eligible to apply for support for your projects focused on improving energy efficiency and sustainability. The organisation must fit the definition of a small and medium enterprise (SME). This can be any organisation that meets the following criteria:

• Under 250 employees
• Annual turnover under €50M (£39M)
• Annual balance sheet under €43M (£33M)
• If the organisation is owned more than 25% by or owns more than 25% in another enterprise, they must meet the above criteria.

Can I use it to purchase SOLIDWORKS?

YES! SOLIDWORKS software is suitable for the low carbon initiative as its intuitive design process means you can test products within the software, reducing time-to-market and cost as well as the number of prototypes needed. SOLIDWORKS also provides tools to measure the sustainability of the materials you use.

Who is it funded by?

The funding is a part of the LoCASE (Low Carbon Across the South East) program to help businesses optimise the use of resources and adopt eco-innovative and low carbon solutions in ways that improve business performance. This is in terms of resilience, profitability and competitiveness while at the same time contributing to the protection and preservation of the environment. Part of the support available is a sizeable pot of match funded grants for suitable projects. This is designed to increase the impact and reduce the financial risk associated with investing in SOLIDWORKS solutions and/or processes so as to realise business and environmental benefits sooner.

What do I need to do to get the funding?

If your company is located in the South East, you can complete a form to check your eligibility for the programme at the LoCASE website: 

If you have any questions or need guidance signing up to this programme, contact your sales area manager to find out more by calling 01926 333777 or filling out our online form.

Download our PDF to find out more. 

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