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Customer story: 3D Folkes

Thursday June 20, 2019 at 2:05pm

3D Folkes is a professional 3D printing and CAD design service provider based in Sheffield. They pride themselves in delivering high quality product development, prototyping, 3D scanning and other creative solutions, specialising in 3D Printing. As a manufacturing partner of Hubs, the world’s largest network of manufacturing services, and a Made in Sheffield license holder, they are a young company we should all watch out for.

Now in their 6th office, based out of the city centre of Sheffield in the UK, the company has a focused vision to save companies money through economical prototyping and product development. Highly regarded as being a reliable company that you can trust when it comes to producing high-quality parts with excellent customer service, their team of designers and range of 3D printers means 3D Folkes has become a place that can accommodate a variety of 3D printing and design requirements.

With specialities in product development and both the engineering and architectural industries, Ben Folkes first experience with SOLIDWORKS was at university: ‘After learning SOLIDWORKS at University before I started the company, I fell in love with how intuitive it is compared to using other CAD programs. When I started the business, I unfortunately lost access to SOLIDWORKS, having left university, so I had to resort to free programs whilst the foundations of the business were laid. Once we reached a point of becoming profitable, one of our first investments was in our CAD software - something our business depends on and we use more frequently than anything else in the company. SOLIDWORKS was an easy choice from past experience and this has allowed us to have a much greater control over the whole design process whilst being able to improve the aesthetics of our designs. Just as importantly, we were also able to shave off huge amounts of design time, therefore increasing our margins dramatically.  


Ben stresses the importance of choosing not only the right CAD vendor, but also a service provider that works as a partner, ‘As we were getting used to it [SOLIDWORKS] in the first year of our SOLIDWORKS license, having access to the support team at Solid Solutions became vital for us to avoid major delays when we were stumped by problems. Some were design related and others were computer issues on our end, which were just as easy for the support team to solve for us. I'd highly recommend making the most of having a great support team on your side.’ During preparations for the RedBull Soapbox Race, where our Solid Solutions team of graduate engineers took part, 3D Folkes were our 3D printers of choice for our car’s bodywork.

To find out more about 3D Folkes, please visit their website:

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